Monday 17 October 2011

My own personal heaven.

Another flood of light came though the window, though again, it didn't hit us. Leo trembled against my arms in response. We were well hidden behind the single bed that was the only furniture in room that made up the entire structure of the old house that we were in. But that didn't stop the heart-stopping fear that went through us every time it happened.
The light moved away. Nothing happened for a moment, then I heard an irritated sort of grumble from out side, and someone sighed. It had happened before, so it didn't bother me. What did, was that this time someone spoke up."We know you're in there," it was a sleek, smooth, cooing sort of voice, "Games over. You can't hide in there forever."
Oh, that's original. I thought scornfully, wanting to say it out loud, but not quite daring. Because I knew that type of voice, and it was a voice that could never belong to a human. My arms tightened around Leo automatically. He whined softly in response. So softly that even I could barely hear it, though his lips were only inches from my ear.
He was doing so well, and I was so proud of him, for sure that my little brother was the only 7 year old on earth who could sit for so long and remain quiet.

"Elena?" This was a different voice, also alien, but one I knew. Felix! Good. He got bored easily. We might have some hope in them giving up and leaving after all, I thought, ignoring the part of me that wouldn't believe it so simple.
"Be reasonable Elena." He continued. "You know I like you. Just because your parents were stupid and forced us to execute them, doesn't mean that you have be. It's not too late. You are lucky I have such influence. I can promise you, that if you come quietly now, your little brother wont even be whipped."
My hopes were dashed immediately. If Felix was telling the truth in what he was saying, then it meant he wanted me to be his bed-slave. And that either meant that he was willing to get bored now, because I might amuse him later. Or, that he considered this a game, a hunt, and he was enjoying chasing his prey.
Stupid pervert of a half cat Monster! I would never give us in to them!
Besides, I was not fooled by what Felix had said about Leo either. They may not whip him, but that didn't mean he would go unpunished. There were other things they could do to him. Worse things. And if they caught us now, they would separate us. I'd be lucky if I heard that he survived getting to where ever they sent him.
There was no hope in this world for humans anymore. We had long since lost that war. Its was the Cats who ruled. The best us humans could hope for was to go unnoticed. And that didn't happen often. Cats were nothing if not observant.
Our last chance was Metal City. The last surviving human city in existence. But first we had to get there.

There was one other way out of the room we were in, which wasn't the window the Cats were trying to see us through. I was sure they didn't know of it. But even then, leaving this place would mean leaving the safety of the metal that the place was made of. Metal the Cats couldn't touch, and could barely come near.
Still, I was forced to consider the amount of food we had left, the amount of water. Almost none. We couldn't stay where we were.
Leo turned his head to look up into my eyes. I returned his gaze steadily. His emerald orbs were glistening, almost blind with unshed tears. Then he pushed his face into my collarbone so I couldn't see them brim over. My heart ached, and I felt my resolve tighten. Our parents had given their lives to give us a chance to run, a chance to get to the only place the Cats couldn't follow. I would damn well get us there.
I gave Leo a reassuring pat on the back, then set him down. Under the bed, was a stash of highly-illegal-uber-Cat-law chain mail. I took one out in my size, and one in a size for Leo. But before we put them on, I got out the last of our food and made Leo eat. Taking the last two bites for myself.
Then we got ready to run. Either way, the chase would end today.
The chain mail was extremely light, and wouldn't weigh us down. Leo looked kind of cute in his. "Trap door?" He asked me in a hushed voice. I nodded. His little jaw clenched determinedly. I had already explained our alternatives to him. He knew it was the long way, just as he could see it was now the only way.
I bent down and kissed his brow, and breathed to him, "Run, baby. Okay? Run, and don't stop. No matter what happens." He nodded, gulping.
I checked that my gun was easy to reach, picked Leo up onto my hip, and leapt up over the bed to the other side. Grabbed the almost invisible handle to the trap door there, and swung it open. There was a screech from outside, someone yelling "There's another way out!" I paid it no heed as I jumped into the darkness below. We dropped a good 5 feet before we reached the bottom. I released Leo, and he was off. Tall for his age, the boy could run. Keeping up with me just fine as we crawled down stairs, then along a wider passage that was tall enough for me to stand.
The tunnel continued for what felt like forever until we finally reached the exit. We ran on. Not even checking to see if someone saw us. That was unavoidable, and soon I could hear heavy pursuit behind us. I knew where I was going, and we didn't falter.
We kept ahead of them for a good 30 minutes, and by then I could see the gray shine of Metal City's walls ahead of us. But I could also hear them gaining on us. I took Leo's hand in mine so we couldn't be separated, simultaneously pushing my legs faster. He kept up.
45 minutes and we were almost surrounded. I could see them closing in from all sides. Cursing, I shot at a few of them to keep them at bay. The metal bullets tore through them like fire through paper. They slowed, but did not stop.
50. I grunted, going faster still. Leo was finally having trouble keeping up. I gripped his upper arm, taking most of his weight and lessening the chances he would fall. Pulling him forward. We were so close.
60. We were about a hundred meters from the big bar gates of Metal City. I saw the very human guard see me. He grinned, and gave orders to some unseen people to open the gates enough to let us in.
Suddenly, the Cats all bunched their legs and sprang at us. We were surrounded. 50 or so of the disgusting things. Their yellow eyes glinting, pointed ears pricked to attention, and long tails swinging behind them irritatedly, proud as any banner.
They held long wooden spears with stone points. Made to cut through our mail without them needing to get near it.
"Fuck!" I spat the word. In no mood to watch my tongue.
I lifted my gun, jerking my head at the guard. As he jumped clear, I let rip at the wall standing 2 meters into the gates for just this purpose. I was not the first to use this strategy, and the cats in front of me screamed. If the bullets so much as passed close to them, they hurt. Their flesh becoming puffy and red. They scattered.
"Run!" I shouted it at Leo, but he was already moving. I was on his heals, shooting at any Cats who dared come close.
Then I was falling. My leg pinned to the ground with a well thrown spear. I couldn't move. But I refused to cry out, and Leo didn't pause, making it through the gate. He turned with a wide grin on his face that vanished when he saw I wasn't with him. "No!" He screamed it, about to run back to me. But the guard grabbed him, said to him "You can't." His voice full of sorrow, though he didn't know me.
I was aware of other spears scraping at my armor.

Leo's face was tear streaked, he was sobbing. The guards arm was still wrapped around his waist. Comforting as much as restraining now.
I felt a smile touch my lips. At least he was safe. I mustered up the last of my strength and called to Leo, "Live baby. Live for me."
He screamed. "ELENAAA!!!!" And my world went black.


I woke in a very comfortable bed, and felt my arms tighten unconsciously around Leo. Out the window, I could see the tall metal walls, high and towering over us. We were in Metal City. But how am I here. I didn't know.
Then again, this just might be my own personal heaven.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, this is the story that I talked about in my comment to "Love." Though I did ALOT of editing as I wrote it up in this post. Hopefully it is better than what I did when I was 15.
