Friday 11 May 2012

New directions in Life. Ski, Books, or other work.

Ok, so this post isn't a story or a review.
Just, me.

It's been a year since I finished High School. Over a year, really.
I don't wont to go to Uni, that much I'm sure of.

As for what I want to do with my life, well, I know I want to do something with books.
That's one reason I started this Blog. It would be great if I could do something to do with that, but there isn't much in the way of jobs in that area.
'round the beginning of this year, my Mother got fed up with my doing almost nothing but eat and read, and she told me to get a job, or go to Uni.

So I began looking for jobs.

This was around the beginning of April.

Right before that though,(in February) I had tried to start a book club in order to find people here in Malaysia who love reading as much as I do.
It didn't go well. A few people expressed interest, but did not come.

I sent out applications to Ski resorts in New Zealand to begin with. Living in Malaysia, I have had as much of Summer as I want, and I loved to ski as a kid.
I would love the chance to do it again. I also considered going on a Ski instructor course. That would be the experience of a life time as far as I'm concerned.
But it is very expensive, even without considering how much getting my own ski gear and feeding myself for 10 weeks with no income.
I could get out a lone, but I'd really rather not do that unless I had no other choice what so ever.
Plus, you know, I haven't skied since I was 12. I think. 13 at most.
Even that wasn't any professional stuff.
So I decided to do that maybe next year, once I've had the chance to save some money and hopefully done some more skiing practice in the mean time.

But the question arose, what if I didn't manage to get a job in a Ski resort? There were hundreds, or for the bigger places thousands, of applicants every year to get a job at the ski resorts and not half that many positions.
What was I to do? Sit on my but until the Northern half of the world went into winter and try them? It would be even harder for me to get work there, because I'd need a permit.
My goal of going getting an instructor qualification seemed suddenly to be so so far away.

Maybe if I got normal seasonal work for a few months I could at least save some money, then I could tackle the problem of getting work up north for their winter when that time got here. That problem would be there weather I got work in a NZ ski resort or not. I thought, one bridge at a time.
So I also sent in some applications for seasonal work.

Here is where that reading club comes in. ( I know that it must of seemed really random earlier, when I mentioned for no apparent reason a book club that didn't go anywhere.) Over the past week, and especially the last two days, I have suddenly run into a whole lot of people who love the idea of a book club.
I was all for trying that again. I hadn't heard back from any of the people that I'd sent an application to, except for one rejection, and after all, the direction of books is where I really want to go in life.

Here is where the twist comes in.
I woke up this morning to an e-mail from one of the seasonal work places saying they want more information, such as when I'll next be in their area.
Hopeful sign?
Maybe. But now the question is, do I want to go and do seasonal work, or do I want to pursue the reading and writing part of my life.
Seasonal work would mean that I get to save some money, and maybe do the ski course next year, but if I go now, I might be giving up the chance to create some friends that are interested in the kind of thing that I am interested in.

So which way do I go?

The one thing that is clear is that I need to work on this blog allot more. I shall make it a rule from now on. I must not pick up a new book until I have spoken of it on here.

I am reading 'The Fellowship of the Ring' right now. (For those of you who live with your head stuffed under a pillow, that's the 1st book in 'Lord of the Rings'. And if you're still lost after I say that, then I say "Congratulations! Your time machine works brilliantly. Welcome to the 21st century.) So I should be doing a post on that in 2 ~ 3 days at most.

Sincerely, if perhaps not articulately,

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